Photo Gallery
Platform 2012: Parallels, Fred Holland and Ishmael Houston-Jones
Photo: Ian Douglas
Knife / Tape / Rope with Jeremy Pheifer and Robert Maynard, American Realness, 2012
Photo: Ian Douglas
Publicity photograph for Fred Holland and Ishmael Houston-Jones's Babble: First Impressions of the White Man, Dance Theater Workshop, 1983.
Photo: Pamela Moore
This manifesto for Fred Holland and Ishmael Houston-Jones’s 1983 Untitled Duet at Contact at 10th and 2nd was not disclosed to the audience. The Institute for Contemporary Art, Philadelphia printed this poster as part of the installation, Endless Shout, 2017
Steve Paxton sent this postcard on June 29, 1983 after Fred Holland and Ishmael Houston-Jones had performed their Untitled Duet, sometimes called Oo-Ga-La on the “Partners” program at Contact at 10th and 2nd Festival at Danspace Project.
Cowboys, Dreams, and Ladders, Fred Holland and Ishmael Houston-Jones, The Kitchen, 1984
Photo: Dona Ann McAdams
In spring 2015 Ishmael Houston-Jones took part in a Pecha Kucha in Lagos, Nigeria sponsored by the Goethe Institute. Artists from left, Yetunde Babaeko, Peju Alatise, Jelili Atiku, IH-J, Zemaye Okediji, Pwavido Mathias, Folakunle Oshun and Marc-André Schmachtel, (Goethe Institute).
Photo courtesy of Goethe Institute, Lagos
dancer/choreographer/performance makers of indigenous and First Nations heritage, Ishmael Houston-Jones led workshop in Sydney, Australia
Pictured: Brian Fuata, Glen Thomas, Thomas E S Kelly, Taree Sansbury, 2017
photographer unknown
Unsafe/Unsuited, a collaboration with Keith Hennessy and Patrick Scully, PS 122, 1995
Photo: Dona Ann McAdams
Parallels 1982, Danspace Project
Photo of Ishmael Houston-Jones, Harry Whittaker Sheppard, Christine Jones, Fred Holland, Ralph Lemon, 1982
photographer unknown
Platform 2012: Parallels, Danspace Project
Photo of Ishmael Houston-Jones, Fred Holland, Dean Moss, Thomas DeFranz, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Nora Chipaumire, Samantha Speis, Souleymane Badolo, 2012
Photo: Ian Douglas
13 Loves Songs: dot dot dot, AMERICAN REALNESS festival, Ishmael Houston-Jones and Emily Wexler, 2014
Photo: Ian Douglas
Ishmael Houston-Jones and Terry Fox improvising near Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 1970s.
Photo: Helen Jones
Duet from Platform 2016: A Body in Places, Eiko Otake and Ishmael Houston-Jones at Danspace Project
Photo: Ian Douglas
Screws Loose: they won’t shut up. 1980s improv group at PS 122. With IH-J, Susan Seizer, Mark Russell, and Charles Dennis.
Photo: Dona Ann McAdams
Movement Research Improvisation Festival at The Kitchen with Yvonne Meier, Tere O'Connor, Ishmael Houston-Jones, 2002
Photo: Anja Hitzenberger
Ishmael Houston-Jones and Nick Hallett receive the Best Revival 2017 New York Dance and Performance “Bessie” Award for Variations on Themes from Lost and Found…
Photo: AK47 Division
Platform 2016: Lost and Found, a conversation with Bill T. Jones by co-cuators Ishmael Houston-Jones and Will Rawls at Danspace Project
photographer unknown
Part 2: Relatives, With Pauline Houston Jones and Ishmael Houston-Jones, Danspace Project, 1982,
Photo: Pamela Moore
New York Times Preview for Parallels, 1982
Photo: Jack Mitchell
Two Men Dancing, 1976
Photographer Unknown
Relatives, Ishmael Houston-Jones, 1989,
Production still: Lorna Simpson
Without Hope 2010, Pieterpasad, Los Angeles
Photo: Takahiro Yamamoto
At Eva Presenhuber November/December 2018: Visitors started out in the dark. Plunged into the blackest of black boxes just inside the gallery door, they were confronted by the premiere of Adam Pendleton's latest video portrait—Ishmael in the Garden – a tender study of the dancer/choreographer Ishmael Houston-Jones. Intimacy doesn’t begin to describe how close Pendleton brings viewers to his subject, who speaks both in voice-over and directly to the camera about his family, a sexual encounter, and deep personal losses of a sort that everyone will recognize. It’s intense.
- Linda Yablonsky, The Art Newspaper
Photo courtesy Eva Presenhuber
2 videos plus Manifesto: Installation at the Institute for Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, 2017. Fred Holland and IH-J performance at Contact at 10th and 2nd, Danspace Project 1983.
Videos by Cathy Weis and Lisa Nelson, photographer unknown
Adam Pendleton and Ishmael Houston-Jones answer questions after a screening of Pendleton’s Ishmael in the Garden December 2018.
Photo courtesy Danspace Project